Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas Reading

It's the holidays (big cheer), I'm back home in Somerset (bigger cheer) and I don't have work for almost two weeks (biggest cheer yet). Suffice to say, I'm feeling pretty good right now. I feel even better when I think about how much reading I'm planning. I still have non-full time job work to do and I have a few things going on socially (hard to avoid at this time of year) but I am determined to give myself a break and enjoy at least a couple of days of relaxed reading in front of the fire.

I had to very carefully consider my Christmas reading this year as my books are spread out between London and Somerset. As any bookish individual would undoubtedly understand, packing my books for the trip home took priority over anything else (which perhaps explains how I forgot pyjamas). I weighed up the pros and cons of each individual book before putting it on the 'yay' or 'nay' pile. In the end, I realised that it would be silly to bring too many back as I do have about *cough* five *cough* overflowing bookshelves in Somerset. It's a problem we all know well. I managed to narrow it down to three (plus the ridiculous amount on my kindle).

The honour of Christmas reads went to:

The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier

I have mentioned this book more than once on here. It first turned up when I went to an event in the Archway With Words Festival where Chevalier read out sections from this book (followed by much fangirling and failing at life when she graciously (considering my general non-human-ness) signed my book). It is also on my Winter Reads list. Plus, I know my Mum will want to read it too as we always read Chevalier's novels and then have a little chat about them.

The Gods of Heavenly Punishment by Jennifer Cody Epstein

I'm reading this for a blog tour in January. I'm really looking forward to it as I remember Jennifer sang its praises on its first tour.

The Frozen Deep by Wilkie Collins

No explanation needed. It's Wilkie. He is my homie. 

And then, in case of dire necessity, I have my kindle for backup. Although, I have just realised that I asked my parents for a couple of book for Christmas…perhaps backups will not be necessary.

What are your Christmas reading choices this year? Do you like to make your Christmas reading a bit special like I do?



  1. I have the same problem except I no longer have any books at my parents. I do however have many siblings, three of whom are great readers, and my parents are both readers so it's not like I'd run out of books... I've just finished Attachments by Rainbow Rowell and I've also brought Kissing the Witch by Emma Donoghue and The Newlyweds by Nell Freudenberger so hopefully I should be ok!

    I feel like I really need to read some Wilkie - I read The Woman in White about ten years ago, loved it and haven't read anything since :-/ Have a great Christmas!

    1. That's handy having siblings who are readers. Both of my parents are so I don't think I would ever be in danger of not having something to read!

      I'm a big fan of Emma Donoghue and I've heard good reviews of The Newlyweds so it looks like you have some great options. Hope you had a lovely Christmas :D

  2. I'm packing to go home today, but since I live about 15 mins from my parents, this isn't really a big dilemma (if i NEED a book, I'll go back and get it!) regardless, I am talking A Christmas Carol and probably NOS4R2 and definitely my kindle, of course, and that should see me through :)

    1. Dilemma or no dilemma, book packing is always a serious business! Hope you've had a good (bookish) christmas!

  3. My Christmas plans for travelling home to Estonia got cancelled so I am free of the dilemma of what to take with me. I would probably have taken one physical copy and then Kindle with a bunch of books I've collected onto it already.

    I don't know if I will be in condition to read a lot during holidays, but I started North and South, so this will be my Christmas read :)

    Happy holidays, Ellie!

    1. I hope even with your changed plans that you still managed to enjoy the holiday and spent some time chilled out and reading. North and South makes a brilliant Christmas read!

      Happy holidays to you too, Riv :D

  4. I hope you enjoy your holidays Ellie, have a lovely break and some fab reading! Lindsay x

  5. I just finished up The Frozen Deep. Shout out to Wilkie! And I'm now finishing up Where'd You Go, Bernadette? and also Monsters of Men. My kiddo is at his dad's house for the next few days, so I hope to polish off a few more books. Merry Christmas!

    1. Oh wow, you're reading/finishing some excellent books! Bernadette made it into my top books of 2013, such a funny but also interesting book. Merry Christmas to you too!

  6. Now I really, really wanna read The Frozen Deep!


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