Tuesday 12 November 2013

At the moment I am...

Reading...too many books at once. It's actually getting out of hand. I am currently making my way through:
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
Wilkie Collins by Peter Ackroyd
At Least You're in Tuscany by Jennifer Criswell
Between the Sheets by Lesley McDowell
Fighting on the Home Front by Kate Adie

Definitely getting out of hand...but, four out of five are non-fiction which kind of explains why I'm reading so many (I tend to read non-fiction in small bouts). It is also cause for a mini celebration because I rarely do read non-fiction. I've got a taste for it now clearly.

Writing...about War literature. In an exciting turn of events I have managed to get a voluntary role as Books Editor on a website about the Centenary (perfect job) so I am researching, compiling and basically doing everything I love. Amazing.

Listening to...the sound of phones ringing at work and slowly losing the will to live.

Looking forward to...the end of the month. My Mother and I are going to Glasgow for a couple of days at the end of November which is really exciting. We have already been checking out the art gallery/museum and bookshop situations for plenty of cultural adventures. I'm just dying for a couple of days away from work.

Hankering for...some Wilkie time. I put The Moonstone aside for a couple days to stop me from whizzing through it but now I'm feeling the need to get back to reading it. I'll be back with you this evening, Wilkie, don't fret...

Fireworks on the Southbank



  1. Wow! That's a lot of books going at one time, but I have found myself doing the same thing lately. I want to read ALL THE BOOKS which results in a book pile-up. :)

  2. That is a lot of books to read at once! I'm usually a monogamous reader, so I freak out when I am reading two at once, let alone five.
    Glasgow sounds exciting, I demand photos when you get back!

  3. How exciting does your new project sound :)

    I put The Moonstone aside as well because I was way over half a book already and it's not even the middle of the month yet... I will wait until 15th, write down thoughts on the first three narrators, and then continue.


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