Tuesday, 5 February 2013

A Modern March

Allie over at A Literary Odyssey (one of my favourite classics blogs) is hosting an event in March to read literature from the Modernist era. Now, I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but massive chunks of my degree and, well, pretty much my entire masters was about Modernism so I like to think I've been around a bit. You know, been there, done that, got the t-shirt type thing. But when I'm not being all smug and annoying I actually realise that there are massive chunks in my Modernist education. For example, I've never read anything by Faulkner (shock, horror).

In the month of March I intend to rectify the somewhat shocking state of my Modernist knowledge and crack on with some Faulkner, some Hemingway and maybe a cheeky F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Yes, I am really rather over excited to participate in this reading event.



  1. I'm excited to have you along! Especially because you're more comfortable with their works than I am. Who would you suggest I read?

    1. I've just realised that apart from VW there is a distinct lack of girl power surrounding well-known modernists. I think I may even have to alter my planned reading for this challenge. As much as I love the boys (Ford Madox Ford is brill), I think I might spread some lady love. In which case I would recommend reading some Katherine Mansfield or May Sinclair. Both are amazing writers.


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