Sunday 2 February 2014

Ta Ra, January

January has been a pretty jammy month - both in terms of books and general life. I somehow managed to read eight books! Which, in the grand scheme of things for me, is very impressive. I definitely feel like I'm well and truly in love with reading again. Not that I ever wasn't but, you know. So here's what I read this month:

1. The Gods of Heavenly Punishment by Jennifer Cody Epstein
2. The Lie by Helen Dunmore
3. It's In the Box by Jack D'Aragon
4. The Assassin's Mark by David Ebsworth
5. Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler
6. How to be a Heroine by Samantha Ellis
7. Wake by Anna Hope
8. Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

That's 7 fiction and 1 non-fiction (starting as I mean to go on), including 2 reads for Leah's Jazz Age in January and 1 Classics Club read. Pretty stunning numbers I'm thinking. 

January saw two brilliant blog tours, Bout of Books, a bumper crop of WW1 fiction, and a Jazz Age obsession rekindled. January also saw rather too much alcohol, even more food, lots of writing, a couple of theatre trips, and hours spent in museums. It was a brilliant (and cultured) month.

Bookaholics anonymous

The one thing that made me a seriously proud mamma in January was the launch of my books page over at Centenary News. I mentioned a while ago that I'd taken on a new voluntary project with a World War One focus. Well, after a few months of planning, developing, writing and re-writing, the page launched in the last week of the month. You can find my reviews of The Lie and Wake over here: Centenary News Books Zone. I'm so happy with how it turned out and happier still that the team let me poke my overly enthusiastic nose in. I'd love to know what you think!

As far as February goes, I'm looking forward to maintaining this level of reading. I'm hoping to crack on with my TBR challenge list (now they've all been transported to London by my parents), and tick another book off my Classics Club list. I'd like to get started with the Russian Literature challenge but I think that may wait until March. For now, I'm finishing off Careless People and Books by Charlie Hill (completely odd but definitely enjoyable). 

Rainbow on a Friday morning

How was your January? Is there anything you're particularly excited about for February?



  1. What an exciting new venture! "Eleanor Baggley, Centenary News Books Editor" looks super fancy :) And now I know where to stalk down your review of Wake! I'm trying to write mine at the moment and it's a tricky one...And I still need to get to The Lie.

    Your January reads sound like the best and I am perilously close to a Waterstones binge :|

  2. The site looks good, and I agree with Lit Addicted re your title! Looks like it was indeed a good reading month for you. My January was full of good books, and this month I'm planning to read and finish Anna Karenina, I'm currently several pages in.

  3. Glad you had a good reading month, and congrats on the new website, it does look really good.
    Hope you have an awesome Feb :)

  4. You did have a fantastic month! I managed to knock off 7 books, but I just felt meh about the month as a while. Some of the books were definitely good, but there were too many I felt I had to slog through.

  5. January is a tough sort of month. I was happy that I stuck to my reduced level of reading but also gettign a bit more into books again after a bad patch last year. I think all it takes are a few outstanding books :)

  6. Great month you had, hooray! Congrats on your new venture :) I'm hoping to get to Z soon. Soonish? Sigh, you know how it is.

    Here's to a great February!


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